
   吉他譜: beyond的吉他谱

2、求 Pajaro Sunrise Romeo′s Tune吉他谱!

   CAPO SECOND FRET G G/F# EM C G D G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the day – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s OK. C G D Bring me uthern kisses from your room. G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the night – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s all right. C G D Let me smell the moon in your perfume. C G AM D Oh, gods and years will rise and fall and there’s always mething more C G AM D Lost in talk, I waste my time, and it’s all been said before. C G AM D While further down behind the masquerade, the tears are there. C G AM D I don’t ask for all that much – I just want meone to caaaare! That’s right, now! G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the day – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s OK. C G D Come on out beneath the shining sun. G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the night – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s all right. C G D Sneak on out beneath the stars and run! Yeah! Oh, yeah, yeah! C G AM D It’s king and queen and we must go down, now, beyond the chandelier C G AM D Where I won’t have to speak my mind and you won’t have to hear C G AM D Shreds of news and after thoughts andplicated scenes. C G AM D We’ll weather down behind the light and fade like magazines! Ahyayayay! I ******* to go now! G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the day – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s OK. C G D Bring me uthern kisses from your room. Hey, hey! G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the night – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s all right. C G D Let me smell the moon in your perfume. Aw, now! G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the day – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s OK. C G D Let me see you smiling back at me. Heeey! G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the night – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s all right. C G D Hold me tight. In loving, love is free. Ow, hey! O K ! Romeo’s Tune选自Pajaro Sunrise的同名专辑《Pajaro Sunrise》。一张绝对适合旅行陪伴的专辑,来自西班牙的BOSSA NOA,简单清新。 Pajaro Sunrise是由Pepe López 、Yuri Méndez两人组成的组合,月组队,这是他们发行的第一张同名专辑。 Pajaro Sunrise Romeo′s Tune 罗密欧′Pajaro日出的曲子 Romeos Tune Written by Steve Forbert CAPO SECOND FRET G G/F# EM C G D G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the day – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s OK. C G D Bring me uthern kisses from your room. G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the night – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s all right. C G D Let me smell the moon in your perfume. C G AM D Oh, gods and years will rise and fall and there’s always mething more C G AM D Lost in talk, I waste my time, and it’s all been said before. C G AM D While further down behind the masquerade, the tears are there. C G AM D I don’t ask for all that much – I just want meone to caaaare! That’s right, now! G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the day – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s OK. C G D Come on out beneath the shining sun. G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the night – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s all right. C G D Sneak on out beneath the stars and run! Yeah! Oh, yeah, yeah! C G AM D It’s king and queen and we must go down, now, beyond the chandelier C G AM D Where I won’t have to speak my mind and you won’t have to hear C G AM D Shreds of news and after thoughts andplicated scenes. C G AM D We’ll weather down behind the light and fade like magazines! Ahyayayay! I ******* to go now! G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the day – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s OK. C G D Bring me uthern kisses from your room. Hey, hey! G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the night – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s all right. C G D Let me smell the moon in your perfume. Aw, now! G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the day – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s OK. C G D Let me see you smiling back at me. Heeey! G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the night – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s all right. C G D Hold me tight. In loving, love is free. Ow, hey! O K ! romeos 搞定请及时 Romeos Tune Written by Steve Forbert CAPO SECOND FRET G G/F# EM C G D G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the day – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s OK. C G D Bring me uthern kisses from your room. G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the night – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s all right. C G D Let me smell the moon in your perfume. C G AM D Oh, gods and years will rise and fall and there’s always mething more C G AM D Lost in talk, I waste my time, and it’s all been said before. C G AM D While further down behind the masquerade, the tears are there. C G AM D I don’t ask for all that much – I just want meone to caaaare! That’s right, now! G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the day – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s OK. C G D Come on out beneath the shining sun. G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the night – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s all right. C G D Sneak on out beneath the stars and run! Yeah! Oh, yeah, yeah! C G AM D It’s king and queen and we must go down, now, beyond the chandelier C G AM D Where I won’t have to speak my mind and you won’t have to hear C G AM D Shreds of news and after thoughts andplicated scenes. C G AM D We’ll weather down behind the light and fade like magazines! Ahyayayay! I ******* to go now! G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the day – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s OK. C G D Bring me uthern kisses from your room. Hey, hey! G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the night – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s all right. C G D Let me smell the moon in your perfume. Aw, now! G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the day – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s OK. C G D Let me see you smiling back at me. Heeey! G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the night – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s all right. C G D Hold me tight. In loving, love is free. Ow, hey! O K ! Romeos Tune Written by Steve Forbert CAPO SECOND FRET G G/F# EM C G D G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the day – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s OK. C G D Bring me uthern kisses from your room. G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the night – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s all right. C G D Let me smell the moon in your perfume. C G AM D Oh, gods and years will rise and fall and there’s always mething more C G AM D Lost in talk, I waste my time, and it’s all been said before. C G AM D While further down behind the masquerade, the tears are there. C G AM D I don’t ask for all that much – I just want meone to caaaare! That’s right, now! G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the day – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s OK. C G D Come on out beneath the shining sun. G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the night – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s all right. C G D Sneak on out beneath the stars and run! Yeah! Oh, yeah, yeah! C G AM D It’s king and queen and we must go down, now, beyond the chandelier C G AM D Where I won’t have to speak my mind and you won’t have to hear C G AM D Shreds of news and after thoughts andplicated scenes. C G AM D We’ll weather down behind the light and fade like magazines! Ahyayayay! I ******* to go now! G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the day – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s OK. C G D Bring me uthern kisses from your room. Hey, hey! G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the night – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s all right. C G D Let me smell the moon in your perfume. Aw, now! G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the day – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s OK. C G D Let me see you smiling back at me. Heeey! G G/F# Meet me in the middle of the night – EM Let me hear you say Everything’s all right. C G D Hold me tight. In loving, love is free. Ow, hey! O K !


   占座 等我二十分钟 现改! 哎,准备听着歌给你改的时候,在千千静听看到有国语版的歌词哦,亲看看—— 命运是你家(国) 词 \ 詹德茂. 曲 \ 黄家驹. 主唱 \ 黄贯中. 生命是个赌 悲欢离合作赌注 走在人海茫茫中 赌一赌 梦中的归宿 寂寞是我的地图 走进青红皂白中 涂一涂 用尽青春追逐城市霓虹的脚步 漫漫长夜中 数一数 午夜梦回变成自己命运的俘虏 这时才领悟 命运是我家 一点彩虹就以为天涯 一点雨珠就以为潇洒 跟自己的梦游荡 问天不问路 空着日子装糊涂 是非都是一个不 不归路 忘了怎麽哭 忘记走了多少路 眼前是有一个不 不能输 用尽青春追逐城市霓虹的脚步 漫漫长夜中 数一数 午夜梦回变成自己命运的俘虏 这时才领悟 命运是我家 一点彩虹就以为天涯 一点雨珠就以为潇洒 跟自己的梦游荡 已下是我根据粤语的歌词内容改成比较顺口(个人感觉)的国语版,你看看哦,要给我分吖!哦~~~~好多哦。。。。: 天生我有个 不屈不挠的性格 不需修饰的面孔还可以(有笑果) 风霜磨练我 都不可吹熄烈火 多少辛酸都由它 全经过 虽然身边不停仍有冷嘲围绕 我有我苦干,不退缩 即使独立街边仍然我说我的话 不会有妥协 命运是我家 不会埋怨苦与我同行 迎着狂风刺痛的灵魂 不知不觉里 前行 天生我是错 没有过好的生活 还好我早已认清 肯苦干 温暖人世间 再多辛苦的泪痕 今天即使我受伤 都不觉 虽然身边不停仍有冷嘲围绕 我有我苦干,不退缩 即使独立街边仍然我说我的话 不会有妥协 命运是我家 不会埋怨苦与我同行 迎着狂风刺痛的灵魂 不知不觉里 前行 。。。。很顺口。 是写给一个乞丐的 《命運是你家》词是阿paul写的,讲的是一个天桥底下的流浪者(好象精神也有点问题的)这个流浪者挺出名的,有一天被抓了。阿paul由感而发所以写了这词,你们可以听一下我o地呀unplugged现场演唱会的音频;paul自己说的。 《昔日舞曲》在永远等待演唱会里,家驹说有一日他们beyond玩通宵然后在湾仔天桥下等车,见到一个很老的阿伯,弹着吉他乞讨,家驹就和他聊了起来,得知老伯以前也是很辉煌很潇洒的,后来由于种种原因落魄街头,家驹由感而发写了这首歌。 你好亲,这首歌这样改可以吗? 是非都要往前走,不回头 眼前不管多少苦,不能输 在这青红皂白中,不迷途 参考一下~ 你把粤语词,用国语念出来也是可以的 ,也能听懂的 天生你是个 不屈不挠的男子 不需修饰的面孔都不错 风霜扑面过 都不可吹熄烈火 几多辛酸依由它 都经过 不管身边始终不停有冷笑侵袭 你有你血干,不会怕 即使瑟缩街边依然你说你的话 哪会有妥协 命运是你家 从没埋怨苦与他同行 迎着狂雨伤痛的灵魂 不经不觉里独行 天生你是错 长于水深火热中 可惜他根本未知 只苦干 温馨笑面里 太多辛苦的痕迹 今天即使他受伤 都不觉