
   c罗有年的德国世界杯后开始的,在那之后,已经逐渐成为葡萄牙进攻核心的C罗开始将注意力集中在破门之上。 日,在圣诞期间的三场英超联赛中,C罗每场比赛都梅开二度,三轮进六球,那也是他在曼联的第一轮进球狂潮。最终那个赛季他在联赛中斩获球,几乎是过去三个赛季的总和(球)。 ? 上赛季,从场比赛,他场场都取得了进球。同时令人欣喜的是,在那个分别送进了利物浦、罗马和阿森纳队的大门,这也让往日质疑C罗硬战就失踪的家暂时闭嘴。 ? c罗月日,轮,曼联主场分钟、第分钟对客队攻入三球,完成曼联足球生涯的第一次帽子戏法。 :日,赛季欧冠决赛,曼联对阵切尔西足球俱乐部,双方分钟内分钟C罗远点头球攻门入网;最终球队在点球大战中次夺得欧冠冠军。 曼联获得该赛季英超冠军 、欧冠冠军 、英格兰社区盾杯冠军 ,C罗个人获得金球奖、国际球员联合会最佳球员、英超最佳球员、英国记者协会最佳球员、巴克莱足球奖、欧洲金靴奖 、欧冠最佳射手、国际足联世界足球先生;并入选欧洲足联年度最佳阵容(中场)、国际足联年度最佳阵容(前锋)。 C罗凭借个),率领曼联获得当赛季英超冠军和欧冠冠军,获得了次欧洲足球先生。 世界足球先生已经与金球奖合并为国际足联金球奖。 C罗曾在年再夺国际足联金球奖。 今年本来 C罗夺金球奖十拿九稳的,毕竟拿到了欧冠冠军和西班牙国王杯,并且破欧冠淘汰赛进球记录,可是现在梅西已经进入世界杯决赛了,一旦夺冠的话金球奖梅西也有胜算了。 两次,分别在年


   c·罗纳尔多 英文名称:Cristiano Ronaldo 粤语译音: 国籍: 葡萄牙 出生日期: 星期一 出生地点:葡萄牙马德埃拉 婚姻状况:未婚 身高: cm 体重: kg 血型: O型 场上位置:前锋 现效力球队:曼联 曾效力球队:里斯本竞技 国民队 场上编: 月日以转会费万英镑由本菲卡转入曼联 首场英超联赛::1胜博尔顿队 星座:水瓶座 属相:牛 最喜欢的颜色:白色 儿时绰:克鲁伊维特(当时荷兰的克鲁伊维特名声鹊起) 少年偶像:马拉多纳 偶像:菲戈和亨利 最想遇见的人: 最喜欢的电影明星:尚格云顿 最喜欢的电影:第六感 勇闯夺命岛 最喜欢的女演员:安吉丽娜·朱丽 最喜欢的食物:Bacalhau a Braz(一种葡萄牙食品,主料是鳕鱼,辅以土豆和炒鸡蛋) 最喜欢的饮料:Santal (一种当地的果饮) 最喜欢的音乐:舞曲 最新的一张CD: Almas del Silencio(里奇·马丁) FM潜力: 个人简介: 与足坛第一前锋同名,身披足坛第一人气明星贝克汉姆在曼联留下的的神奇之路。 克里斯蒂亚诺罗纳尔多和菲戈是老乡,他们都来自葡萄牙盛产白葡萄酒的小岛马德埃拉,他的职业生涯从家乡的国民队起步,很快,天赋过人的小小罗受到国内豪门的青睐,被国内豪门里斯本竞技发掘出来,并在场进3球的成绩对一个岁的孩子来说已经足够完美。 次,并在对米尔沃尔的足总杯决赛中首开纪录,为曼联捧杯立下头功。赛季末小小罗被授予曼联俱乐部为奖励年轻球员特设的“巴斯比爵士最佳球员奖”。 在葡萄牙国家队,日,他在对哈萨克斯坦的友谊赛中首次代表国家队上场。在赛季,小小罗表现一般,和曼联一起两手空空。 他的名字 与世界足球先生同姓不是他的错。或许,正是因为与大名鼎鼎的外星人在姓氏上有了太多的相似,克里斯蒂亚诺罗纳尔多才受到了更多人的,但年轻的小小罗很快用他自己的球技征服了所有人。 独树一帜的踩单车 罗纳尔多之所以吸引了那么多人的注意,他一定拥有某项特别突出的技术,那就是他的“踩单车”。他的踩单车比巴西人腿部摆动幅度要大要快,但是他的上半身却始终保持不动,完全依靠突然变向来摆脱,而不是将对手晃得失去重心。 葡萄牙年轻代表 小小罗出生于年个赛季之后,便成功加入英超红魔曼联,接过了贝克汉姆的赛季的英超冠军。在曼联的出色发挥使小小罗成功的入选葡萄牙国家队,并在年参加了在祖国举行的欧洲杯。在那届杯赛上,本土作战的葡萄牙队获得亚军,而以小小罗为代表的葡萄牙年轻一代成功的接过了菲戈、鲁伊科斯塔、库托等人领军的“黄金一代”的班。可以说,小小罗的出现,使葡萄牙足球进入了一个新的时代。 欧洲杯之后,小小罗成为了葡萄牙国家队的常客。在世界杯预选赛中,小小罗作为主力帮助葡萄牙获得小组第一直接进军德国,而小小罗也以7粒进球跻身欧洲区射手榜前十强,成为与舍甫琴科、范尼、伊布拉西莫维奇比肩的射手 克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多(Cristiano Ronaldo),简称“C罗”或“小小罗”,是一名葡萄牙足球运动员,现效力于西甲俱乐部皇家马德里,同时身兼葡萄牙国家队的队长。月,C罗作为队长代表葡萄牙国家男子足球队出征年南非世界杯。 中文名: 克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多 外文名: Cristiano Ronaldo 别名: C罗、小小罗 国籍: 葡萄牙 出生地: 丰沙尔 出生日期: 年2月5日 身高: cm 体重: kg 运动项目: 足球 主要奖项: 国际足联世界足球先生 欧洲金球奖 欧洲冠军联赛最佳射手 重要事件: 年转会加盟曼彻斯特联队 赛季转会皇家马德里队 现俱乐部: 皇家马德里 俱乐部球衣: 9 国家队球衣: 7 位置: 左右边前卫、左右边锋、中锋 c·罗纳尔多 英文名称:Cristiano Ronaldo 粤语译音: 国籍: 葡萄牙 出生日期: 星期一 出生地点:葡萄牙马德埃拉 婚姻状况:未婚 身高: cm 体重: kg 血型: O型 场上位置:前锋 现效力球队:曼联 曾效力球队:里斯本竞技 国民队 场上编: 月日以转会费万英镑由本菲卡转入曼联 首场英超联赛::1胜博尔顿队 星座:水瓶座 属相:牛 最喜欢的颜色:白色 儿时绰:克鲁伊维特(当时荷兰的克鲁伊维特名声鹊起) 少年偶像:马拉多纳 偶像:菲戈和亨利 最想遇见的人: 最喜欢的电影明星:尚格云顿 最喜欢的电影:第六感 勇闯夺命岛 最喜欢的女演员:安吉丽娜·朱丽 最喜欢的食物:Bacalhau a Braz(一种葡萄牙食品,主料是鳕鱼,辅以土豆和炒鸡蛋) 最喜欢的饮料:Santal (一种当地的果饮) 最喜欢的音乐:舞曲 最新的一张CD: Almas del Silencio(里奇·马丁) FM潜力: c·罗纳尔多 英文名称:Cristiano Ronaldo 粤语译音: 国籍: 葡萄牙 出生日期: 星期一 出生地点:葡萄牙马德埃拉 婚姻状况:未婚 身高: cm 体重: kg 血型: O型 转会记录: 月日以转会费万英镑由本菲卡转入曼联 场上位置:前锋 现效力球队:曼联 曾效力球队:里斯本竞技 国民队 场上编: 月日以转会费万英镑由本菲卡转入曼联 首场英超联赛::1胜博尔顿队 星座:水瓶座 属相:牛 最喜欢的颜色:白色 儿时绰:克鲁伊维特(当时荷兰的克鲁伊维特名声鹊起) 少年偶像:马拉多纳 偶像:菲戈和亨利 最想遇见的人: 最喜欢的电影明星:尚格云顿 最喜欢的电影:第六感 勇闯夺命岛 最喜欢的女演员:安吉丽娜·朱丽 最喜欢的食物:Bacalhau a Braz(一种葡萄牙食品,主料是鳕鱼,辅以土豆和炒鸡蛋) 最喜欢的饮料:Santal (一种当地的果饮) 最喜欢的音乐:舞曲 最新的一张CD: Almas del Silencio(里奇 FM潜力:

3、克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多 英文简介

   全名:克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多·多斯·桑托斯·阿维罗(cristianoronaldodossantosaveiro) 昵称:ronaldo,ronnie,ronny 粤语译名:基斯颠拿路 朗拿度(c朗拿度) 生日:年公斤 星座:水瓶座 属相:牛 俱乐部球衣:欧洲杯 亚军;世界杯 第月月日 年加盟里斯本竞技; 月月日代表曼联队主场国家队效力。日,他在对哈萨克斯坦的友谊赛中首次代表国家队上场。在击败东道主葡萄牙队捧走欧洲杯冠军奖杯。虽然岁的克里斯蒂亚诺罗纳尔的第一次欧洲杯以一场失败的决赛而告终,但他的技术和速度给球迷们留下深刻印象,这帮助他入选了欧洲杯预选赛中,他以位列射手榜第二的世界杯小组赛对阵伊朗的比赛中,队长菲戈将自己制造的点球交给小小罗主罚,小小罗冷静命中,入个人第一粒世界杯进球。他最终和队友合作为葡萄牙队取得世界杯第四名的成绩。 日——小小罗粒进球帮助球队如愿闯入决赛圈。次攻破对方城门,如此骄人的成绩也让克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多成为国际赛场上最高产的射手之一。 Cristiano Ronaldo is real madrid football player Cristiano Ronaldo Date of Birth 5 February , Funchal, Madeira, Portugal Birth Name Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro Nickname Cris Ron Ronnie The Sultan Of The Stepover Height 6 0? ( m) Mini Biography Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro was born on February 5, , in Madeira, Portugal to Maria Dolores dos Santos Aveiro and José Diniz Aveiro. Cristiano has an elder brother, Hugo and two elder sisters, Elma and Liliana Cátia. His name was inspired by the former USpresident, Ronald Reagan, whom his father was influenced by. The island of Madeira was al the place where Cristiano first learned to master his skills as a ccer player. He spent his early years playing for his local team, Nacional, and by the time he turned years old, he already made his name for himself as one of Madeiras top ccer player. It wasnt long before he started to catch the attention of other big Portuguese clubs. Among them were Porto and Boavista, however he eventually chose to play for Sporting which was a team he followed while growing up. He was then spotted by former Liverpool manager, Gerard Houllier at the age of sixteen but Liverpool had no intentions to sign him at that time because they thought he was too young and he needed more time to develop his skills. However, in the summer of , when Sporting played against Manchester United and defeated them, Cristiano caught the attention of Manchester United manager, Sir Alex Fergun. Ronaldo became Manchester Uniteds firstever Portuguese player. Initially, he requested for the number jersey. The year World Cup, Cristiano faced accusations regarding his sportsmanship. In a quarterfinal match against England, he was heavily criticized for sending of his club team mate, Wayne Rooney who was playing for the England team. It wasnt too long until fans started accepting Cristiano again. In al saw him taking back the PFA Player Of The Year Award for the second time running. That same year, Ronaldo al had to deal with controversies regarding his club transfer to Spanish giants, Real Madrid. He eventually chose to stay with Manchester United and stressed to the public that he had no intentions of leaving the club. Cristiano now lives with his cousin, Nuno and his brother in law Ze. When he is not on the field, he is a very family oriented pern. Growing up, when he was about to choose ccer as his career, he said that it was very difficult for him as that would mean lesser time with his family, especially his mother, whom he says play a major role in his life. During his free time, Cristiano enjoys cooking. He mentioned in an interview that he usually cooks before he leaves for his ccer practice. Because he is constantly training, Cristiano rarely has time to watch T. If he does get the time to watch, he says he loves watching one of the local Portuguese game show which is mostly about trivia questions. Cristiano is an avid learner and he takes interest in learning new things everyday. Among Cristianos biggest pet peeves are smoking, people who dont make an effort and dishonesty. When the tsunami hit South East Asia, Cristiano flew to Indonesia to help those in need. He auctioned off a few stuff to help raise funds for charity. He hopes to get involved in more charity projects in the future because he believes his star status will help him reach out to others for help. IMDb Mini Biography By: Anastasia Andrew eno Trade Mark Much known for his fancy flicks and stepovers. Trivia Became the most expensive teenager in Britain in . His idol is Luis Figo. Was selected for the Portuguese Olympic football team for . Wears the number 7 shirt. Signed by Manchester United from Sporting Lisbon in August . Scored the first goal in the FA Cup Final against Millwall FC. Made his full Manchester United debut against Wolves in August . Scored at Highbury. Has appeared in a Suzuki T advert. oted player of the sean. His father named him after former American President Ronald Reagan. He was the first ever Portugese Manchester United player. His parents names are Maria Dolores dos Santos Aveiro and Jose Diniz Aveiro. Has been criticized many times for diving in the penalty area. Has appeared in several Nike adverts. Before joining Manchester United he played against them for Sporting Lisbon weeks later he was signed by Manchester United. Sporting Lisbon signed him up for their schoolboy team at the age of for £. He was born into a poor family on the Portuguese island of Madeira off the Morrocan coast. Was signed by Manchester United as a long term replacement for David Beckham. He is a very big idol in his hometown Madeira. Made his international debut for Portugal against Kazakhstan in August . Scored his first Manchester United goal against Portsmouth FC at Old Trafford. Starting playing for his local football side Nacional. Signed a new five year contract with Manchester United. [] His father passed away while he was on international duty in Russia. In the first ever FIFPro awards was voted the special young player of the year award. After playing against Manchester United in a presean friendly the Manchester United players urged the manager to sign Cristiano on the the plane back to Manchester. Bought a £ million pound mansion in Cheshire which was previously owned by 3 former Manchester United players. Drives a silver Porsche. Flew to Indonesia to visit the areas affected by the tsunami and raised over 1 billion rupiah by auctioning off his pernal sports gear. Grew up with his brother and 2 sisters. Scored Manchester Uniteds th league goal against Middlesbrough FC. Wears the number shirt whenever he plays for Portugal. Was named in the UEFA Team of the year . Signed a new two year extension with Manchester United. [] Ended the appearances and scoring 9 goals. His career honors include FA Cup winner () UEFA Team of the Year () Cristiano was first spotted by former Liverpool manager Gerard Houllier at the age of . Cristiano drives a red Ferrari . League Cup Winner . Was named the PFAs player of the month for March. (April ) Ended the appearances as a sub and scoring a sean best for Manchester united with goals. His house was robbed. Among the things that got stolen were his jewellery and his car. Is of Moroccon descent. In , he won: PFA Young Player of the Year, PFA Player of the Year, PFA Fans Player of the Year (Premiership), Portuguese Footballer of the Year, FWA Footballer of the Year, Sir Matt Busby Player of the Year and Manchester Uniteds Players Player of the Year. Was Public Enemy with English football fans after his part in Wayne Rooneys sending off against Portugal, in the World Cup quarter finals. Pernal Quotes I would be very proud if, one day, Im held in the same esteem as Gee Best or Beckham. Its what Im working hard towards. Lots of young players have triumphed at United, why cant it happen to me? Im not worried Im young its an incentive to do the best I can. The No 7 shirt is an honor and a responsibility. I hope it brings me a lot of luck. There is no harm in dreaming of bing the worlds best player. It is all about trying to be the best. I will keep working hard to achieve it but it is within my capabilities. Where Are They Now (August ) Playing for Manchester United FC (August ) Starting his third sean playing for Manchester United FC. (August th sean at Manchester United. (June ) Manchester United accepts an unconditional offer of $ million for Ronaldo from Real Madrid, a record fee for one player. Cristiano Ronaldo