



伫倚危楼风细细。望极春愁,黯黯生天际。草色烟光残照里。无言谁会凭阑意? 拟把疏狂图一醉。对酒当歌,强乐还无味。衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。




Though clothes became loose I regret nay

For you would rather stay pining away


Though clothes became loose I remorse nay

Regret not I’m for you pining away


在诗中使用,o’er = over 而且这种不能把它单独拿出来叫翻译,这样很不好表达意思,要联系上下问才好翻嘛~ 节选自《Percy Bysshe Shelley》的《Ode to the West Wind》。

The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low, Each like a corpse within its grave, until Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow Her clarion o’er the dreaming earth, and fill (Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air) With living hues and odours plain and hill 黑暗的冬床上,它??就躺在那里, 像是墓中的死穴,冰冷,深藏,低?澹? 直等到春天,你那?\蓝的姊妹 ?⑺奶?角吹角吹遍了?糁写蟮兀? (?境瞿垩浚裱蛉阂?樱?食空中) ?⑸º拖愠?M了山峰和平原。 。


YueYing wind ChaYuan renewal

Moon reflects grass-grown dancing

Years in today

She only among

Breaks fairy

Only in the porch window of flower, the move to a few?

Since the spirit, so frost is not WuChen supernatural.

Flowers dancing butterfly

Flowers dancing butterfly will be

Hermia wind – at home

Colorful fragrance drifting yingbin SongKe sleeve has charm fashion colour provoking love fragrance wanli forget time

Jian Jia haired, for frost, so-called millennium yiren, ZaiShuiYiFang

Peony and riches and honour, ou million more fresh color bosk,

The flower show is rich, the former name in flowers.

Longteng tripartite confrontation – the small gains the inevitability and mountains

Time is ZhengYan flowers – flowers

XunChun rain, the earth, ZhengYan phase, flowers, and see today!


Cloud to spend to let the clothes, spring breeze LouHuaNong trap. Unless the group, will head to the jade YaoTai on.

Lily – wind and flowers. Optimum

Element GuanMing jade, great music sounds of total diluted, The wind and flowers, into the mud fitness sweet smell sweet.


1.The West Lake in June,when all is said and done For all the seasons never the same is the scene The lotus leaves touching the sky in boundless green The lotus flowers specially red in shining sun 毕竟西湖六月中 风光不与四时同 接天莲叶无穷碧 映日荷花别样红 2.I Left home when a mere stripling,and returned in old age. My native accents remained unchanged,but my ear-lock had grown thin. The children could not recognize me when they saw me. They asked smilingly ,”From where did you come?” 《回乡偶书》 少小离家老大回, 乡音无改鬓毛衰。

儿童相见不相识, 笑问客从何处来。 3.《枫桥夜泊》 月落乌啼霜满天, 江枫渔火对愁眠。

姑苏城外寒山寺, 夜半钟声到客船。 Maple Bridge Night The moon vanishes The crows chats As autumn struts Maples on the riverside Bring out the shine of boat lights In sorrow, I cannot sleep at night Outside of Gusu City An ancient temple sits Still and lonely As the midnight clock Chimed at my ship 4.The sun along the mountain bows; The Yellow River seawards flows. You will enjoy a grander sight By climbing to a greater height. 登鹳雀楼(王之涣) 白日依山尽,黄河入海流;欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。

5.王湾 次北固山下 客路青山外, 行舟绿水前。 潮平两岸阔, 风正一帆悬。

海日生残夜, 江春入旧年。 乡书何处达? 归雁洛阳边。

A MOORING UNDER NORTH FORT HILL Under blue mountains we wound our way, My boat and 1, along green water; Until the banks at low tide widened, With no wind stirring my lone sail. 。Night now yields to a sea of sun, And the old year melts in freshets. At last I can send my messengers — Wildgeese, homing to Loyang. 6.杜甫 春望 国破山河在, 城春草木深。

感时花溅泪, 恨别鸟惊心。 烽火连三月, 家书抵万金。

白头搔更短, 浑欲不胜簪。 A SPRING VIEW Though a country be sundered, hills and rivers endure; And spring comes green again to trees and grasses Where petals have been shed like tears And lonely birds have sung their grief. 。

After the war-fires of three months, One message from home is worth a ton of gold. 。I stroke my white hair. It has grown too thin To hold the hairpins any more. 呵呵,这是我找到的古诗翻译成英语的诗,我看了里面一些,翻译的很不错,希望楼主能满意。