
Chalcophora japonica gory – he was tall, there are about forty years old. The reddish beard around his face. Eyes firm and lively, and the rapid change. As long as eyes swept away, he can put the picture has an unobstructed view. He, can adapt to various climates, like a hardening of the reinforcement in the cold water.




Chalcophora japonica gory – he was tall, there are about forty years old. The reddish beard around his face. Eyes firm and lively, and the rapid change. As long as eyes swept away, he can put the picture has an unobstructed view. He, can adapt to various climates, like a hardening of the reinforcement in the cold water.吉丁-史佩莱身材高大,大约有四十来岁。





Jules Verne’s The Mysterious Island begins with great drama and continues through a roller-coaster ride of great fun, if not great logic. Convenient coincidences abound as our heroes land on and take dominion of their fortunately well-provisioned South Pacific island, on which they discover just about every animal, vegetable, and mineral that one might want. In their heads they bring with them an incredible wealth of practical science and engineering knowledge, precisely the right kinds of know-how to build an advanced technological society within a few years. It’s hardly sustainable, of course: there are no women in the book, as Isaac Asimov observes in his charming Afterword essay in the edition I read. And luckily no one ever gets seriously sick.

But enough carping! Verne’s story, even in a pedestrian English translation, flows well enough to keep the plot bubbling along briskly. His characters are cheerful as they apply names to everything they find. They’re tireless as they overcome obstacles and build shelters, roads, bridges, telegraph lines, etc. They’re enthusiastic as they mine ores, refine metals, concoct explosives, domesticate animals, and farm the land. The author’s breadth of knowledge is amazing. And there are plot-development surprises enough to maintain a constant high interest level. Overall, The Mysterious Island is a romp, a Victorian-era Gilligan’s Island—populated exclusively by Professors.



The mysterious island “the American civil war, the troops stranded in the five southerners opportunists balloon escape route, and the south Pacific wind to a desert island. They didn’t despair, from Lincoln island to wave island, from the tower of the far west river, compassion, from the fireplace to forest, unity and granite palace by wisdom and mutual help, hard-working, from nothing, became the refugees in this land of happiness. Glass, tobacco, guns, food, they can rely on their hands. The island is never easy, times of crisis, but whenever there is always a mysterious character in aid. He is the seabed 20,000 miles of captain nemo. At the end of the story, in a volcanic eruption, captain nemo “at the last minute,” Duncan command to save their yachts. After returning to the United States, these people belong to oneself on the land, rebuild Lincoln island, let the spirit of island.



The story is described in the American Civil War, when there are five army besieged the city in the South northerners take advantage of chance to use the balloon escaped. They are the storm blown midway in the Pacific Ocean in a desert island, but they do not become discouraged and disappointed, they are solidarity, collective wisdom and work to overcome difficulties and build a happy life. From bare hands until they create pottery, glass, wind mill, telegraph 。 。 they saved the people living alone in a nearby island for seven years and irrational criminals (that is, “Captain Grant’s children” he was in exile criminals – Yier Tong), so that he restored humanity, to be their loyal partner. Of these victims while on a desert island with nothing missing, but they have not given up efforts to return to the motherland. One day, they finally boarded at the command of Captain Grant’s son, Robert Duncan, No. surrounded returned to the motherland. These victims, spent years on a desert island, and to discover an incredible miracle. Whenever they are in times of crisis, it seems there is always a mysterious person assist them. It turns out that person is “海底两万里” a book hero, diving boat Noddy No. Cornelius inventor of resistance to oppression fighters – Captain Nemo.



“The mysterious island” book

This book tells the story of the American during the civil war, there were five people took the opportunity to use the balloon escaped, an island they splashed down in the Pacific on the. On this small island, what also have no, but they did not despair, but to use their wisdom and labor, had a happy life. Finally, once again, volcano eruption, the island sank, a ship to take them back to the American.

The book says that whenever they encounter difficulties, they can change danger into safety. When winter comes, they use parchment made clothes, wear in the body, against the cold; when the waves swept away food, they are always immediately rushed to rescue; when the pirates came, they fight with the pirates battle of wits, defeated the pirates, when the volcano erupts, they calm, common fled the island. From them, I understand the difficulties, not to retreat, to go with head high and chest out, to march forward courageously.

They have a look have a look, then I. I often think of that thing, feel ashamed: remember when I play basketball, did not think of accidentally broke his leg, I hurried home, let dad wipe the wound with iodine to me, and then put the basketball in the storage room, never had. There is an old saying: “Chinese difficulty is like spring, you weak it strong.” After reading this book, I deeply feel: the face of difficulties, we should be strong, to accept its challenge, overcome it to refuse to be cowed or submit spirit.

Read the “mysterious island”, I benefited. As a new era of us, how to spend our days? There is a famous saying in the book: “as long as the pray, can get. Just look for, can be found in.” Let this book has inspired me to be brave in face of difficulties, brave to overcome difficulties, walk every step of the way!




精神错乱 寂寞无人 漫无目标

急躁不安 听天由命 毫无疑问 乘风破浪














小说将现实和幻想结合起来,情节跌宕起伏,充满了对奇异多姿的自然界的描写,并且把各种知识融会到惊心动魄的故事之中。[1] 作品洋溢着乐观主义精神,深信人类无穷的创造力和科学的巨大力量将使人类建立一个理想的社会。