
1、When all else is lost the future still remains.就是失去了一切别的,也还有未来。

2、Sow nothing, reap nothing.春不播,秋不收。

3、Keep on going never give up.勇往直前, 决不放弃!

4、The wealth of the mind is the only wealth.精神的财富是唯一的财富。

5、Never say die.永不气馁!

6、Nurture passes nature.教养胜过天性。

7、There is no garden without its weeds.没有不长杂草的花园。

8、The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好!

9、The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man.伟人之所以伟大,是因为他立志要成为伟大的人。

10、Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life.苦难是人生最伟大的老师。


当时尼克与大象售货员谈判许久,得到的仍然是大象的坚决拒绝。大家听到在狐狸后面排队的顾客说了什么吗?后面的顾客说:“You are holding up the line! (你搞得整条队都不动了。)”

关于排队的短语,大家一定都能想起一些,比如line up和jump the queue。

We are lining up for the ice cream.我们正在排队买冰淇淋。

如果有顾客插队了,我们可以说“A customer jumped the queue.”


Zootopia is a 2016 American computer-animated buddy-cop comedy, adventure and noir film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures.

The modern mammal metropolis of Zootopia is a city like no other. Comprised of habitat neighborhoods like ritzy Sahara Square and frigid Tundratown, it’s a melting pot where animals from every environment live together — a place where no matter what you are, from the biggest elephant to the smallest shrew, you can be anything. But when optimistic Officer Judy Hopps arrives, she discovers that being the first bunny on a police force of big, tough animals isn’t so easy. Determined to prove herself, she jumps at the opportunity to crack a case, even if it means partnering with a fast-talking, scam-artist fox, Nick Wilde, to solve the mystery.


Oh oh oh oh oooh……I messed up tonight, I lost another fightI still mess up but I’ll just start againI keep falling down, I keep on hitting the groundI always get up now to see what’s nextBirds don’t just fly, they fall down and get upNobody learns without getting it won刚搞砸了这一头 却又没顾得上那一头反复犯错却仍想重新来过想要触碰未来的心总会让我再站起来 继续大步前迈不断跌倒 不断失败 也要不断重来在天空飞翔的鸟儿也难免会受伤会折翼 但也会重新振翅飞起想要靠近蓝天就得有不怕坠落不怕受伤的勇气I won’t give up, no I won’t give inTill I reach the end, then I’ll start again我不会轻言放弃 谁也别想能让我放弃不停向前直到我达成心愿 然后又向更高的天空迈进No I won’t leave, I wanna try everythingI wanna try even though I could fail我不会逃避也不会迟疑 愿去尝试生命不同的绮丽即使前路崎岖 未来阴晴不定 但至少我能体会到风雨过后的别样风景I won’t give up, no I won’t give in我不会轻言放弃 谁也别想能让我放弃Till I reach the end and then I’ll start again不停向前直到我达成心愿 然后又向更高的天空迈进No I won’t leave, I wanna try everything我不会逃避也不会迟疑 愿去尝试生命不同的绮丽I wanna try even though I could fail即使前路崎岖 未来阴晴不定 但至少我能体会到风雨过后的别样风景Oh oh oh oh oooh,Try everything去尝试生命不同的绮丽。


1、And every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities 而且所有的年轻的动物都有着各种的可能 2、yeah, i don’ t have to cower in a a herd anymore. 耶,我再也不用躲在洞穴里了。

3、instead. I can be an astronaut 取而代之,我可以当太空人 4、I don’t have to be a lonely hunter anymore. Today I can hunt forexemptions. 我再也不用当一个孤独的猎人。如今我可以狩猎税收 5、i’m gonna be an actua 我可以当一个保险精算师 6、and I can make the world a better place. 而且我可让这个世界成为一个更好的地方。

7、never.- Never 从来没有。-从来没有。

8、well. Then I guess I’ll have to be the first one. 嗯..那么我想我必须是第一个了。 9、because I am gonna make the world a better place. 因为我要让世界变得更美好。

10、or, heck, you know. You wanna talk about making the world a betterpl. 或者说,哎呀,你知道的。你说你想让世界变成更好的地方。

扩展资料: 《疯狂动物城》由迪士尼影业出品的3D动画片,由里奇·摩尔、拜恩·霍华德及杰拉德·布什联合执导,金妮弗·古德温、杰森·贝特曼、夏奇拉、艾伦·图代克、伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴、J·K·西蒙斯等加盟配音。 该片讲述了在一个所有动物和平共处的动物城市,兔子朱迪通过自己努力奋斗完成自己儿时的梦想,成为动物警察的故事。

该片于2016年3月4日中国大陆同步北美上映。 2016年12月,《疯狂动物城》被选为2016美国电影学会十佳电影。

参考资料: 百度百科-疯狂动物城。


1. Life’s a little bit messy. We all make mistakes.


2. I know you’ll never forgive me. And I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t forgive me either


3. I was ignorant and irresponsible and small-minded.


4. No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you.


5. And after we’re done, you can hate me.


6. All right, get in here. You bunnies, so emotional.


7. Everyone comes to Zootopia, thinking they could be anything they want. But you can’t.


8 You can only be what you are. Sly fox. Dumb bunny.


9. I know you love me


10. But predators shouldn’t suffer because of my mistakes.


11. that’ll be fine, because I was a horrible friend, and I hurt you.

【翻译】 没关系,因为我是个糟糕的朋友,我伤害了你。

12. It’s not about how badly you want something. It’s about what you are capable of!



Zootopia 动物乌托邦 (zoo+utopia:animals-only fantasy world) Predator– Prey (捕食者 —被捕食的动物) Endearing (SYN lovable) Police VS Please Diminutive– Towering (small, short – big) Infuriate(Definition: To make sb extrememly angery) Origin: in(向里)+fury (anger) +iate(v后缀) Menagerie(equals to zoo) Sheepish胆怯的 (对比长短元音[i ] and [i]) Rhino 犀牛 正文双语阅读: Bursting with a rich blend of timely themes, superb voice work, wonderful visuals and laugh-out-loud wit, Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Zootopia” is quite simply a great time at the movies. 充分地融合了适时的主题、绝佳的配音、精彩的视觉效果以及诙谐幽默的智慧,沃特迪斯尼动画工作室出品的《疯狂动物城》上映的正是时候。

At its heart, the film is a classic oil-and-water buddy comedy but set against a unique, animals-only fantasy world where predatorand preylive in harmony. 这部喜剧电影讲述了一对水火不容的兄弟,但把背景设在了一个独特而且只有动物的梦幻世界里,在那里,捕食者和被捕食者和谐共处着。 The movie’s endearing heroine is Judy Hopps (deftly voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin), an energized bunny with 275 siblings and a lifelong dream to become a cop, an ambition she fulfills when she leaves her devoted parents (Bonnie Hunt, Don Lake) and the family carrot farm to join the Zootopia Police Department. 电影里可爱的女主角是朱迪·霍普斯(吉妮佛·古德温配音),她是一只充满活力的兔子,有275个兄弟姐妹,毕生的梦想就是成为一名警官。

当她离开疼爱她的父母(邦尼·亨特、唐·莱克配音),离开家族的胡萝卜农场,加入动物城警察局的时候,她实现了自己的愿望。 Once in the big city, however, the diminutive Judy is overshadowedby her towering fellow cops —rhinos, elephants, hippos and so on —and summarily dismissed by Police Chief Bogo (Idris Elba), a surly cape buffalo who assigns Judy meter-maid duty instead of allowing her to assist in the investigation of a rash of missing mammals. 然而,一来到大城市里,小朱迪的大块头警察同事(犀牛、大象、河马等等)就使得她相形见绌, 之后又被警察局长博戈(伊德里斯·艾尔巴配音)草率地开除。

博戈是一只脾气暴躁的非洲水牛,他给朱迪分配的任务是处理违章停车,而不是调查一系列动物失踪案件。 That is, until the resourceful Judy gets a lead in the case of a vanished otter whose worried wife (Octavia Spencer) is pleading for his safe return. Against his better judgment, the chief gives Judy 48 hours to solve the crime —or face being fired. 直到发生一起水獭失踪案件,水獭忧心忡忡的妻子( 奥克塔维亚·斯宾瑟配音)恳求水獭的平安归来。

局长基于出色的判断,给了朱迪48小时来调查这起案件,否则朱迪就将被开除。 Then there’s Nick Wilde (a perfectly cast Jason Bateman), a con man of a fox (a con fox?) who infuriates Judy when she falls for one of his street scams. Judy, in turn, shrewdly hustles Nick, boxing him into helping her find the otter in a race against time. 然后,一只名叫尼克·王尔德的骗子狐狸( 杰森·贝特曼为其完美配音)在一场街头骗局里欺骗了朱迪并激怒了她。

朱迪反过来设下圈套,精明地强迫尼克在这场与时间赛跑的行动中帮她找到水獭。 What follows is an imaginative, well-plotted, fast-paced search for clues that takes Judy and Nick all over Zootopia, where they encounter a menagerie of vivid, at times intriguingly shady characters. These include the city’s blustery lion of a mayor (J.K. Simmons), his sheepish sheep of an assistant mayor (Jenny Slate), a Don Corleone-like Arctic shrew (Maurice LaMarche) with polar bear henchmen, a super-mellow yak (Tommy Chong) and a crooked weasel (Alan Tudyk). 接下来则是一场奇幻的、精心策划的、快节奏的线索搜查。

朱迪和尼克走遍动物城,这一路上,他们碰到了各种个性鲜明的动物,不时还会出现神秘可疑的人物,其中包括狂暴的狮子市长(J·K·西蒙斯配音)、懦弱的绵羊副市长(珍妮·斯蕾特配音)、教父唐 柯里昂一般的北极鼩(莫里斯·拉马什配音)和他的北极熊心腹、超级老练的牦牛(汤米·钟配音)以及狡诈的鼬鼠(艾伦·图代克配音)。 A purposefully prolonged set piece that finds Judy and Nick at the local Department of Motor Vehicles is the picture’s highlight and a comic gem. In a genius lampoon of this government agency’s reputation for sluggish service, the office is run entirely by sloths, who move and talk so slowly the time’s-a-wastin’ Judy nearly jumps out of her bunny skin. 一个有意设定的长镜头——在当地车管局里发现朱迪和尼克——是影片的高潮,也是这部喜剧的精华部分。
