
   Winter is my favorite is the prettiest,with bright rays of sunlight glinting off the fresh snow and ice sculptures in the trees and shadows playing tricks with your eyes on the slowfalling flakes that never seem to stop spread a feeling of peace and at them fall is always fun,as you watch them flit back and forth in the light breeze,trying to find two identical you could just go outside and lie down in the fresh snow,all your worries would snow muffles and quiets everything, if you close your eyes,you could easily fall ’s bliss. Probably what I like most about winter is seeing my whole rarely all get together,but during Christmas,we reunite and have a good in my family is a great cook too, when we gather,excellent food abounds. On Christmas Eve,we sit around the fireplace,play games,listen to music,and have fun as a me,that is what makes winter my favorite sean: from the freezing blizzard outside,we swap jokes and stories by firelight,waiting for the moon to appear and create a light show across the snow and sky,a winter it’s this winter dream that I’vee to love is,and always will be,my favorite sean. dog,it is our good al is our good helps us to look after our house when we are can listen to you when you want to pour out me has a very ingenious can smell many often help the policeman to find the is very clever


   Because there are always beautiful snow flowers dancing in the sky in that sean. Besides, we can make a snowman and have fun with each a word, winter is a romantic sean. like winter because i like snow . snow ismon in winter . when winteres every year ,i will go outside to play with snow with my friends .snow looks very white and often make snowmen around our houses. metimes we go skating on the ice .it is cool to play with snow in winter.


   冬天2季节名称:Winter 我喜欢冬天下雪一片很美丽。冬天可以雪仗、堆雪人、滑雪。 I like when it snows in winter, the snowflakes are beautiful. I can have snowball fights, make snowmen and go skiing in winter. which sean do you adore most? winter is good , is summer. but autumn is really my cup of tea. (我最喜欢冬天。 夏天很好。但秋天是我最喜欢的季节。)您这个是各说各话啊?还是一句话,通过对比来表达最喜欢的那个啊?如果是后者,这句子好像有点问题(冬天,秋天哪个最喜欢啊?)。


   Spring: because she is full of new life 春:因为他充满了新的生命 summer:Own sunshine breath 夏:有阳光的气息 Autumn:enjoy the maple leaf full of the earth 秋:喜欢满地的枫叶 Winter:can see the bright and clear snow. 冬:可以看到雪白雪白又纯洁的雪


   Why do you like winter ?? Because I can skate ?? ?手工翻译?尊重劳动?欢迎提问?感谢?? ? Whydoyoulikewinter?