
   Teardrops On My Guitar Taylor Swift 她是美国乡村音乐 明天我要嫁给你了 周华健 silent night vincent 说明:这是民谣吉他中的两首代表作,学会之后,相信你的技法和唱功都会有比较大的进步。 这两首歌可以拿出来表演,旋律都很简单,但感染力极强。 sailing 这里给出来的是改版了的,较为简单。原版用变调夹夹第四格,前两段用分解和弦,和弦全部选用(第三格)转位和弦,从第三段开始运用扫弦,转为用原把为的。如若能两个人合奏(一个分解一个扫弦,在高潮和结尾处对旋律应和下),效果也非常之好 英文歌曲的伴奏和吉他谱,我给你推荐十来个吧: speak ftly love(教父主题曲) Unchained Melody奔放的旋律 人鬼情未了插曲 Wonderful Tonight Eric Clapton Smoke gets in your eyes Julio Iglesias Green Field Brother Four Take Me Home Contry Roads john denver You Are My Sunshine To Be With You Mr big Casablanca Bertie Higgins Hey Jude(嘿 朱迪) 披头士乐队 斯卡布罗集市(月光女神) 1,FadeToBlack_Metallica 2,山羊皮beautiful ones美丽 3,cutlaw wan逃犯(老鹰乐队) 4,wonderwall 5,tomorrow turn your car around 7,Greenday_Wake_Me_Up_When_September_Ends 8,iris 9,westlife西城男孩 you make me feel ,离家的路齐秦 丁香花 落花的窗台 直接搜吉他谱行了 彩虹、爱我别走、我真的受伤了、你要的爱、james blunt唱的youre beautiful、never grow old、加州旅馆、ordinary ,你可以去听听看。 要谱的话我也有。 蝴蝶花 外面的世界 我的秋天 那些花

2、a love will never grow old 的乐谱

   A Love That Will Never Grow Old Emmylou Harris Go to sleep, may your sweet dreamse true Just lay back in … … Refrain: Cause I know a love that will never grow old And I know a love that will never grow old. When you… 5.i want it that way 这首歌是我认为的后街最好听的一首歌 第1次听完了下在mp3上,听了半个月 直到现在都想不通啊 want it that way 4.she ,还是groove coverage的唱功都着实了得 3.anyone of us 这首歌可能不是所有人第1次听就喜欢,但我第1次听它就很感冒,gareth gates的声音的确非常好听哈,节奏和旋律真的没有他的歌声霸道 of us 2. god is a girl 这首歌是大多数人第1次听都觉得很好听的一首歌,呵呵,开始那段旋律掺杂着流水声让我想起咯高山流水,结果听完以后真的发觉还想听听那流水的声音 1. because of you 这首歌第1次听的时候震撼特别大,. kelly clarkn也在今年的格莱美流行类奖项中,获得最佳流行女歌手, of you 恢弘气势篇 5. it’s my life csmv的主题曲,钢琴版的听着超爽,如果你想去感叹人生的话听这首歌是个很好的方法哦,不过最好还是在歌里醉生梦死的好啊,呵呵,开玩笑的,如果不开心听歌要比喝酒好吧 ’s my life (acoustic version) 4 fighter 这首歌带给我的气势和激情就是代表nba的一种精神. 象个勇士一样,永不放弃 所以有了tmac的分 这就是nba的魅力,也是这首歌的魅力 happy ending 不懂avril lavigne清纯的外表下怎么会有如此的爆发力?!这是一首需要挑战耳膜强度的歌哦, happy ending 2. heromariah carey 这首歌不象其他歌一样搞的很大声,但它依然很有气势,我真的有点佩服mariah carey,可以把一首并不快的歌唱成这样,可以说,这首歌很有气质,值得一听哦 1. i will always love you whitney houston 保镖的主题曲,很好听 高潮很有气势啊,不用多说了 气势不是靠声音大,而是真的能给人震撼 中间的萨克斯很很好听的哈 will always love you 路人皆知篇 5. forever young 真的希望能永远年轻啊,但这是不可能的。人总是要长大的。歌词真的太经典了,写了下面了,听着的时候方便点。 lets dance in style lets dance for a while heaven can wait were only watching the skies hoping for the best but expecting the worst are you going to drop the bomb or not???? let us die young or let us live forever we dont have the power but we never say never sitting in a sandpit life is a short trip the musics for the sad men can you imagine when this race is won?? turn our golden faces into the sun praising our leaders were getting in tune the musics played by the madmen forever young i want to be forever young do you really want to live forever forever and ever me are like water me are like the heat me are a melody and me are the beat oner or later they all will be gone why dont they stay young? its hard to get old without a cause i dont want to perish like a fading horse youths like diamonds in the sun and diamonds are forever many adventures couldnt happen today many ngs we fot to play many dreams swinging out of the blue well let theme true forever young… young 永远年轻 4 rhythm of the rain 绿箭口香糖的主题曲。雨声雷声交织在一起的感觉真的是太爽了,可惜就是太短了,我曾经下过女生版的,还多搞笑的哈 of the rain 3. right here waiting 这首歌从一开始经典到结尾,还是喜欢他唱的那句i’ll be right here waiting for you 有时生命需要等待,也需要忍耐 here waiting 2. big big world 这首歌是初中时全班都唱过的 现在好怀念初中的时光 时间真的过的好快啊 这首歌依然经典 但我真的都长大了,不一样了 big world 1. yesterday once morecarpenters 这首歌都没听过的人 我真的就。。。。。 无语了! 舒缓的节奏和干净的声音听起来实在舒服,这首歌很老,但就象酒,越老越香 它太经典了。 很多人想 但真的永远不会 昨日重现 once more 路人皆知篇 5. forever young 真的希望能永远年轻啊,但这是不可能的。人总是要长大的。歌词真的太经典了,写了下面了,听着的时候方便点。 lets dance in style lets dance for a while heaven can wait were only watching the skies hoping for the best but expecting the worst are you going to drop the bomb or not???? let us die young or let us live forever we dont have the power but we never say never sitting in a sandpit life is a short trip the musics for the sad men can you imagine when this race is won?? turn our golden faces into the sun praising our leaders were getting in tune the musics played by the madmen forever young i want to be forever young do you really want to live forever forever and ever me are like water me are like the heat me are a melody and me are the beat oner or later they all will be gone why dont they stay young? its hard to get old without a cause i dont want to perish like a fading horse youths like diamonds in the sun and diamonds are forever many adventures couldnt happen today many ngs we fot to play many dreams swinging out of the blue well let theme true forever young… young 永远年轻 4 rhythm of the rain 绿箭口香糖的主题曲。雨声雷声交织在一起的感觉真的是太爽了,可惜就是太短了,我曾经下过女生版的,还多搞笑的哈 of the rain 3. right here waiting 这首歌从一开始经典到结尾,还是喜欢他唱的那句i’ll be right here waiting for you 有时生命需要等待,也需要忍耐 here waiting 2. big big world 这首歌是初中时全班都唱过的 现在好怀念初中的时光 时间真的过的好快啊 这首歌依然经典 但我真的都长大了,不一样了 big world 1. yesterday once morecarpenters 这首歌都没听过的人 我真的就。。。。。 无语了! 舒缓的节奏和干净的声音听起来实在舒服,这首歌很老,但就象酒,越老越香 它太经典了。 很多人想 但真的永远不会 昨日重现 once more

3、Never grow old 的谱!

   Intro: Fm G# C# G# Fm G# I have a dream, strange it may seem C# G# It was my perfect day Fm G# Open my eyes, I realise C# G# This is my perfect day CHORUS: Fm G# Hope you?ll never grow old C# G# Hope you?ll never grow old Fm G# Hope you?ll never grow old C# G# Hope you?ll never grow old Fm Do do do do… Fm G# Birds in the sky, they look high C# G# This is my perfect day Fm G# I feel the breeze, I feel at ease C# G# It is my perfect day CHORUS A#m Fm Forever young A#m I hope you?ll stay Fm G# Forever young Fm Do do do do…


   当然是卡农哎!!根据他改编的就是流行音乐:爱你卡农,歌手是关东煮,丸子 你的意思是弹唱把? 就是你弹 伴奏 你唱? 其实你想谈什么 在网上找就行 XX吉他谱