1、(1/4)英语单词造句 1、pick up 2、famous3、be famous for… 4、wonder 5、locate

   1、Can youe here and pick up my sister? 2、China is the most famous country in the original. 3、He is famous for his talent in language study. 4、I cant wonder how cute it is. 5、Thepany located its branch office in the suburbs 你好! With this in mind, the next timeyouneeda bitoftime to yourself, pick ,下次当你需要一点自我放松的时间时,你则可以挑选一本书来阅读。 Thisguyshould befamousforscoringthe firstgoal of the World Cup…这位哥们会因为进了南非世界杯第一个进球而成名。。。。。。 如有疑问,请追问。 是一句话包含所有提供的单词,还是每个单词造个句? She is famous for her sweet voice pick up a wallet on the way home. is famous in the world. is famous for the Great wall. wonder how to do it. Please pick up the paper He is a famous musician He is famous for him role in the film I wonder how can i get the promise from my parents His school located in a small village

2、? 一个男人在朋友圈发布了这张图片,然后配上文字写:冻死了,这是想表达什么,

   1失恋 2 暗恋的人有别人了。 3闷烧了一下 我是电我是光我是唯一的神话 要事先用图片软件先做好才在朋友圈发的

