
   Sometimes learning, entertainment and metimes ~ when the play the game, after all, the autonomy of the university is still a lot of time, but when learning must be more investment, and metimes go to the library sit, study and experience the atmosphere there, I am sure you will find their own equilibrium point, and then do a happy outstanding students! However, once a lot of time playing onyears, it is necessary to have a pern around you to remind you when to do the kind of thing ~ I hope you can find such a pern. . .


   Currently, numerous employees find it hard to keep a proper balance between career and life, not to mention the health management and the development of hobby. The failure of tackling the tense relationship between job and private life will exerts great negative impacts on both individuals and the relevant enterprises. This essay aims to investigate the reans why it is difficult to perfectly handle job and life and then present rmendations. The causes that people focus on work are manifold. First, to concentrate on career can be owed mainly to excessive workload and fiercepetition, More precisely, plenteous youngsters desire to outshine others in their career. In order to be professionally welltrained and stand out in a crowd, one has to be fully engrossed in the work. Hence, the more time one spends on careers, the less time one might allocate to other activities such as family life, health management or pernal hobbies. Al, fierce is thepetition that countless young adults have to fully apply themselves to career development. Imaginably, a new employee slackens his or her efforts of selfimprovement, he or she is doomed to be eliminated by the fiercepetition. So pressing is the conflict between career and life that we have to adopt me effective measures. Initially, as for the relevant enterprises, measures to reduce the excessive workload and create healthy work style should be rendered to their employees. irtually, to advocate and popularize a kind of wholeme way of work not only brings merry mood to the working staff but al enhances the efficiency of work. Similarly, every individual should clearly know that achievement in career will never be the le purpose of life, to work diligently is to create and savor more wonderful life. No matter how occupied one might be, one should always bear in mind that family life tops all and he or she should never brings outstanding working tasks to home. Overall, it is no easy task to keep the proper balance between career and life at times, however, one should strive for this balance


   《Consider Options》 《考虑其他的选择e5be3》 It is important to takethe time to consider our options and to evaluate the choices that wehave time to work, time to play and time to make sure our life is asfulfilling as it can be. After all, the time we do have to get itright is limited. Sister Jean C. Peters, CSJ says in the CSJ NewslineI do not suggest that hard work has no place in our lives, but itcannot have the only place. A sense of leisure and a spirit of playneed space in us as well. 花一些时间去考虑、评估我们做出的选择是很重要的,因为这样我们才有时间去工作,娱乐,才能确保我们的生活过得最充实。毕竟,我们能够做对的时间是的。Jean :虽然我不并不建议生命中不要努力工作,但是努力工作也不应该占据生活中的唯一位置。我们也需要一点悠闲的时间,一种游戏的精神。

4、求一篇以如何保持工作和生活的平衡为题的 英语作文

    not what others want you to do? Well. Another major problem is burnout — working all the time (or doing any activity all the time) can lead to stress and fatigue, it’s a part of our lives. That might und familiar to me of you — I’ve certainly been there at different points in my life. Work on this over time, shopping or eating or entertainment, but remember that this is your life. Learn to say no. You could have a life filled with all the things you love doing. What Do You Love, but it could still be almost all work? One of the things on your list might be your work — or the work you want to do (as opposed to the work you’re doing right now). Why is a balance between several things that you love better than just one thing that you love. Of course, when people talk about a worklife balance. But it’s important to realize that if work is really mething you love, if you have an office job you might not be getting outdoors enough, writing? How long do you work (and how much of that time is spent on doing what you really love about your work). You might al get lonely if you work all the time: * Schedule time blocks, but I think he al really enjoys jiujitsu and spending time with close friends, or getting enough exercise.” Miyoko Ohno, and you should do what you really want to do? What do you do on your days off. There are as many other possibilities as there are people in the world? What are the things you love to do. Schedule chunks of time throughout your week for all the things that are important, which is definitely true. For myself, good or bad, family. Better to have space between your time blocks than to have to skip mething because the previous block ran too long, but work and family and hobbies and chores and everything else? That’s the question to start with, reading and learning. For me people, To Some Extent The first thing to point out is that work isn’t separate from life — it’s a part of it. Norm asked me to write a post about worklife balance, for many people it’s better to have other things balancing out their lives. I think it’s an interesting question that most of us have to address at me point or other. So the key is to remember that what we’re looking for is a balance between the things we love — not just work and the rest of life. But others could include your favorite hobbies or other passions, there are a number of reans that would depend on your situation, including work. Be sure not to overschedule, exercise or other outdoor activities. Create your short list now. For the things not on your short list, reading and running, for example), and other things I’m interested in. Here are me ideas for doing that. My friend Norm loves photography, and learn how to tell people that you can no longermit to doing mething;or friends and if you work all the time you’re neglecting them — and those relationships will suffer, and then continue to the next section? Now think about all the things you do. While there’s certainly nothing wrong with that if you love your work and it doesn’t have negative consequences (on your health or family relationships. Be sure to allot that time you’ve created to the things on your short list — don’t just use it up with television or other space fillers, and create the space in your life that you need for the things you love, Japanese bridge designer I have a close friend named Norm who is a great photographer and a great pern in general … recently he was telling me that all he does is work, it’s not a fun part of life. It’s not always easy, and how many of them are on your short list. Creating Space in Your Life It’s time to take a Big Picture look at your life — how are you spending your time right now, because no schedule is kept to the minute? Some things might be bigmitments that are hard to get out of — but over time, my favorite things in the world include spending time with my family, but for others, they mean that we should find a balance between work and our pernal lives, it’s just a matter of finding the right balance between them, he’s interested in expanding his life beyond work, and your health might suffer, although these days I have to say that I’ve found a pretty good balance between all the important things in my life? What do you do before and after work. ariety is a good thing — it keeps life interesting. Either way. This is good for those who use their calendar a lot or can stick to schedules well, of course, ways to relax and have fun, among other things, because although I think Norm is pretty happy with his life, filling up every free minute. For one thing, what can you eliminate, you don’t need to cut it short in order to spend more time at home in front of the television. Work *Is* Life. Finding That Balance Once you’ve created space in your life for the things you love, and could make that activity less enjoyable. Another rean is that you might have family and/, it’s a passion, or spending time with people who are important to you, you can get out of them. What’s on your short list. Really think hard about how you can eliminate the nonessential things in your life (the nonshort list stuff). I suggest scheduling everything but work first (unless you’re on a set work schedule and always start and end at the same time) … this will ensure that you get everything in and that work doesn’t overwhelm the schedule, volunteering. So mix things up a bitHow To Find Balance Between Work and Life “Balance is beautiful

5、of work and life which should be our priority (关于工作和生活我们应该优先考虑那个) 1.很多人感觉工作

   work and life, which should be our priority. To live, we have to work, but work is not theplete of our life. Besides work, we should have work, rest, entertainment,etc to balance our live, our spirit, our body. Put more emphasise to work will break the balance of our life. and cause a lot of pressure,both mentally and physically, which will have bad effect on the work itself. So, although a lot of people prefer to endevour most on work, it finallly turns out that they have to revert to a balance life. Which means, to have aplete bird view, a long term forcase towards the future, business, job, study, etc. we have to put put life as priority. therefore, focus on life, you will enjoy it.


   How To Balance Between Work and Study. we want to find ways to balance work and study. Here I will show you 4 ways to get your work and study balance. Firstly, you’d better focus on study or your work. Don’t waste your time on me pointless things or hesitate for a long time. You must clear your aim and make a clear timetable. This will remind you your arrangements and make full use of your , raising your learning and working efficiency. This will make it easier for you to handle both study and work.. Thirdly,you should pay attention to me learning method and hold me skills which save your time and , we should learn to give up. you need to calm down yourself at first and make aparin of your work and study, make the best choice! We have a long way to go before we get our work and study balance. I hope these ways will do mething for you! 制定计划: 我们除了要为自己的学业制定目标外,还应该制定一套科学可行的学习计划来实现这个目标!那么,如何制定学习计划呢? * 计划要考虑全面 学习计划不是除了学习,还是学习。学习有时,休憩有时,娱乐也有时,所有这些都要考虑到计划中。计划要兼顾多个方面,学习时不能废寝忘食,这对身体不好,这样的计划也是不科学的。 * 长远计划和短期安排 在一个比较长的时间内,比分说一个学期或一个学年,你应当有个大致计划。因为实际中学习生活变化很多,又往往无法预测,所有这个长远的计划不需要很具体。但是你应该对必须要做的事情心中有数。而更近一点,比如下一个星期的学习计划,就应该尽量具体些,把较大的任务分配到每周、每天去完成,使长远计划中的任务逐步得到解决。 有长远计划,却没有短期安排,目标是很难达到的。所以两者缺一不可,长远计划是明确学习目标和进行大致安排;而短期安排则是具体的行动计划。 * 安排好常规学习时间和自由学习时间 常规学习时间指按学校规定的学习时间,主要用来完成老师布置的学习任务,消化当天所学的知识。而自由学习时间指除常规学习时间外的归自己支配的时间,你可以用来弥补自己学习中欠缺的、或者提高自己对某一学科的优势和特长、或者深入钻研一件有意义的事情。 自由学习时间的安排是制定学习计划的重点。抓住了和合理利用的自由学习时间,对自己的学习和成长都会有极大的好处。所以我们应该提高常规学习时间的效率,增加和正确利用自由学习时间,掌握自己的学习主动权。 * 对重点突出学习 学习时间是的,你的精力也是的,所重点。在这里,重点一是指你学习中的弱科,二是指知识体系中的重点内容。只有抓住重点,兼顾一般才能取得更好的学习效率。 * 从实际出发来制定计划 制定计划,不要脱离学习实际,要符合自己现在的学习压力和水平。有些同学制定计划时,满腔热情,计划得非常完美,可执行起来却寸步难行。这便是因为目标定得太高,计划定得太死,脱离实际的缘故。 虽然这么说要从实际出发,可你未必明白怎么样是实际?实际可以分成三个方面: 1. 知识能力的实际:每个阶段,计划学习多少知识?培养哪些能力? 2. 时间的实际:常规学习时间和自由支配时间分别有多少? 3. 教学进度的实际:掌握老师教学进度,妥善安排常规学习时间和自由支配时间,以免自己的计划受到“冲击”。 * 注意效果,及时调整 每一个计划执行结束或执行到一个阶段,就应当回顾一下效果如何。如果效果不好,就应该找找原因,进行必要的调整。 这里是一份简单的回顾列表: 1. 是否完成了计划中的学习任务? 2. 是不是按照计划去执行任务的? 3. 学习效果如何? 4. 如果有任务没有完成,那是什么原因?(安排过紧、太松?) 回顾之后,要记得补上缺漏,重新修订计划。你也可以通过日记来记录一天的学习计划进度,便于改进和回顾。 * 计划要留有余地 制订计划不要太满、太死、太紧,要留出机动时间,使计划有一定的机动性。毕竟现实不会完美地跟者计划走,给计划留有一定的余地,这样完成计划的可能性就增加了。 * 脑体结合,文理交替 学习对脑力消化非常大,所以不以学习要长时间学习,要适当加入休息时间。而且在安排学习计划是,不要长时间地从事单一活动。学习和锻炼可以交替安排,因为锻炼时运动中枢兴奋,而其他区域的脑细胞就得到了休息。比方说:学习了两三个小说,就去锻炼一会儿,再回来学习。安排科目学习时,也要文理交替安排,相近的学习内容不要集中在一起学习。 * 提高学习时间的利用率 早晨或晚上,或一天学习的开头和结尾的时间,可以安排着重记忆的科目,如外语。心情比较愉快,注意力比较集中,时间较完整时,可以安排比较枯燥,或自己不太喜欢的科目:零星的、注意力不易集中的时间,可以安排做习题和自己最感兴趣的学科。这样可以提高时间利用率。