
1、英文:May we all be blessed with longevity. Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.

—— Su Shi’s Water Diao Getou Binchen Mid-Autumn Festival.


2、英文:Chang’e should regret stealing the elixir, the blue sea, the sky and night. —— Chang’e by Li Shangyin.


2.关于中秋节的谚语 诗句 (英文)

关于中秋节的谚语 诗句有:

【1】People on every occasion, especially on Mid-Autumn festival particularly bright.

【2】 Several strike stay long, xiao wind Mid-Autumn festival.

【3】To better half clear autumn, window containing the moon is round






3.关于中秋节的谚语 诗句 (英文)


People on every occasion, especially on Mid-Autumn festival particularly bright.2,几处笙歌留朗月,万家箫管乐中秋。 Several strike stay long, xiao wind Mid-Autumn festival.3,地得清秋一半好,窗含明月十分圆。

To better half clear autumn, window containing the moon is round。


1、Colorful world Xi Long is mid autumn festival in August,a cup of wine song with the spirit of a high wind. 夕七彩人间长共中秋八月,杯低吟酒伴同歌盛世高风。

2、The mid autumn moon,quietly hung in the window.My mother looked at it,as if it is a mirror,you and I watch each other.Far from thinking two Xiang Duan,thousands of miles with light! 中秋的月亮,在窗外静静地悬着。我楞楞地看着它,仿佛它是一面明镜,你我在互相注视。

3、The Mid Autumn Festival moon,full moon things round people to yuan,miss,miss,can’t help my tears. 中秋佳节中秋月,月圆事圆人难圆,思念、思念,不禁泪潸潸. 4、Let roundest moon accompany you and me,let the moon to convey my wishes and blessings to you。Wish a Happy Mid Autumn Festival,one more round full moon. 让最圆的明月陪伴你和我,让明月传达我的心愿与祝福…祝福中秋佳节快乐,月圆人圆事事圆满。

5、Autumn sky moon hanging,is a mid autumn festival to. 秋空明月悬,又是一年中秋至。 6、The bright moon is rising above the sea,everyone faraway enjoy the same moment. 海上升明月,天涯共此时! 7、A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.We see the same moon! 海内存知己,天涯若比邻.我们看的是同一个月亮! 8、He knows that the dews tonight will be frost.How much brighter the moonlight is at home. 露从今夜白,月是故乡明。

9、Huaihai with poor head such as silver,10000 Avision Yu BEng jane.The sky without repair monthly household,cassia twig support loss to West wheel. 目穷淮海满如银,万道虹光育蚌珍.天上若无修月户,桂枝撑损向西轮。 10、Take a walk together?Mo live up to this perfect conjugal bliss. 一起走走?莫辜负这花好月圆。

11、Another uniquely southern addition to the Mid-Autumn Festival is the strangely shaped water caltrop. 另一种南方独有的中秋美食就是形状古怪的菱角。 12、Local people like to have mud snail when appreciating the full moon at the Mid-Autumn Festivalbecause they believe it’s good for their eyes. 当地居民喜欢边吃田螺边赏满月,他们认为,中秋吃田螺对眼睛大有益处。

13、During the Mid-Autumn Festival, sons and daughters come back to their parents’ house.Sometimes people who have settled overseas will return to visit their parents. 在中秋节期间,漂泊在外的儿女将会回到父母家中,有时即使是已经定居异国他乡的人们也会回来。 14、To the Mid-Autumn Festival, the children turned on, a group of monkeys on to salvage. 中秋到了,月儿圆了,一群猴子捞月去。

15、Mid-Autumn Festival is also known as “Harvest Festival”, which is one of the most well knownChinese Festival. 中秋节,也被称为是收获的节日。是我国最为重要的节日之一。


From a pot of wine among the flowers I drank alone. There was no one with me. 举杯邀明月,对影成三人。

Till, raising my cup , I asked the bright moon to bring me my shadow and make us three. 月既不解饮,影徒随我身。 Alas, the moon was unable to drink and my shadow tagged me vacantly; 暂伴月将影,行乐须及春。

But still for a while I had these friends to cheer me through the end of spring. 我歌月徘徊,我舞影零乱。 I sang. The moon encouraged me. I danced. My shadow tumbled after. 醒时同交欢,醉后各分散。

As long as I knew , we were boon companions. And then I was drunk, and we lost one another. 永结无情游,相期邈云汉。 Shall goodwill ever be secure? I watch the long road of the river of stars. 八月十五夜月 In August fifteen the moon 杜甫 Du Fu 满月飞明镜,归心折大刀。

The full moon fly der, centering fold. 转蓬行地远,攀桂仰天高。 Clothes line far, climbing, sky high. 水路疑霜雪,林栖见羽毛。

Waterway suspected frost, arboreal see feather. 此时瞻白兔,直欲数秋毫。 Now look white, straight to number of autumn hair. 十五夜望月 Fifteen nights moon 王建 Wang Jian 中庭地白树栖鸦,冷露无声湿桂花。

Atrium white arboreal crow, wet cold silent dew fragrans. 今夜月明人尽望,不知秋思落谁家! The moon tonight as the hope, not yearning falls whose home! 南斋玩月 South Zhai moon 王昌龄 Wang Changling 高卧南斋时,开帷月初吐。 Lying on a high seat in the South study, we have lifted the curtain-and we see the rising moon. 清辉澹水木,演漾在窗户。

Clear and Mizuki, acting overflow in windows. 荏苒几盈虚,澄澄变今古。 How few Yingxu, Rachel variable heritage. 美人清江畔,是夜越吟苦。

Our chosen one, our friend, is now by a limpid river. Singing, perhaps, a plaintive Eastern song. 千里共如何,微风吹兰杜。 Common how thousands of miles, breeze blows Lan Du. 中秋月 Autumn Moon 苏轼 Su Shi 暮云收尽溢清寒,银汉无声转玉盘。

Evening clouds withdrawn, pure cold air floods the sky; the river of stars mute, a jade plate turns on high. 此生此夜不长好,明月明年何处看。 How oft can we enjoy a fine mid-autumn night? Where shall we view next year silver moon so bright.。













“Thinking of You”

When will the moon be clear and bright?

With a cup of wine in my hand, I ask the blue sky.

I don’t know what season it would be in the heavens on this night.

I’d like to ride the wind to fly home.

Yet I fear the crystal and jade mansions are much too high and cold for me.

Dancing with my moon-lit shadow

It does not seem like the human world

The moon rounds the red mansion Stoops to silk-pad doors

Shines upon the sleepless Bearing no grudge

Why does the moon tend to be full when

people are apart?

People may have sorrow or joy, be near or far apart

The moon may be dim or bright, wax or wane

This has been going on since the beginning of time

May we all be blessed with longevity Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.


The light is brightly, tonight the no-go area is opening.

The horse gallop that stirred up the dust,the moon seemed to follow the people.

The young singing girls look more beautiful, they walk and sing songs.

The capital guards does not work tonight, the drum will not urge the people back home.