1. 请问;秘密花园英文版的好词好句摘抄

好词As thin as cicada’s wings cease abruptly can’t helpHard state Bang Lailong to pulse with one’s hair standing on endPour the scorching sun of summer heatThe sky vast retirePleased with oneself as a pleasurable occupation hysteriaWrite in ornate style get throught a thing carelessly with certaintyThe clouds deep cachexia好句1 she had a thin face, a thin body, light colored hair sparse, sores on his head.2 her hair curled in the silk, she has a small nose, like all looked down, she has a pair of big eyes will laugh. All her clothes are as thin as cicada’s wings, swaying in the wind, Marie say they are “full lace”.3 but because it is the great place to a sad, but Mr. Craven to his proud — this issad. The house has six hundred years of history, it is located at the edge of the swamp, with nearly one hundred rooms in the house, most of them empty closedand locked. There is a portrait, good old furniture, and other things on the year,around a big Lin Yuan, gardens, trees — some tree branches swaying to the ground.4 Marie just can’t help listen up. It’s not like India, any fresh things to her veryattractive. But she did not want to reveal their interest in it, which she alsoregrettable, not for one of the people love place.5 she closed her mouth and stared out of the window, the rain pouring down intoa gray, was beating against the window panes, the window glass flow down, this is very natural scene.6 she still looked for a long time, the grey in her eyes more and more deep, shefell asleep.7 Marie sitting there, watching her, as she skidded hat, and later, she was asleep in the corner of the carriage. The rain beat against the window, like a lullaby.8 through a thick window, she saw a piece of land extending upwards, it seemsno trees, like a piece of boundless, lose one’s vitality of purple sea.9 there is a bee smell, the air is very fresh — the sky so high, the bees humming,a lark is singing, nice.10 she stood there quietly, to see the trees sticking out from the wall, a chest redbirds perched on a high tree, suddenly, it sends its winter chirp, as if to see Marie, she is called.11 birds were small head askew, a mild bright eyes looked up at the old man, hiseyes like black dew.12 this means that people with one’s hair standing on end roar again and again in the house as, like an invisible giants beat the walls and windows, trying to break in.13 second days, rain pouring down, Marie from the window looking out, I saw the swamp was shrouded in a gray mist and clouds.14 heavy rain has stopped, the wind has the gray mist and clouds, the wind itselfalso has stopped, the bright blue sky hanging in the swamp.15 India sky is always hot, hot; the sky was blue makes people feel cool, almost like a bottomless Lake Lake, cute and shiny as, Aries, seemingly small cloud in the blue sky floating everywhere. The vast swamp itself is no longer depressingviolet blue or terrible grey, replace sb. is soft blue.16 he has a graceful curving, red mouth, his face rippling smile.17 he was standing on the marshes hear Skylark singing, watch it fly higher, fly into the sky, became a spot in the blue sky.18 arch of the sky looks very high, in the transparent blue background, little white cloud like bird wings in flight.A new discovery of 19 century people is, thought — just some thoughts — like a battery power — power like sunshine good, bad power bad like poison. Let a badidea in your head, like a scarlet fever virus to enter your body.。

2. 《秘密花园》英文版有什么好词好句

If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.”


“Where you tend a rose my lad, a thistle cannot grow.”


The furthest distance in the world 世界上最遥远的距离 Any field of life is a cloth

3. 写出《秘密花园》里6句英文句子

1、So if Mary had not chosen to really want to know how to read books she would never have learned her letters at all. 因此,如果玛丽没有选择真正想知道如何读书,她将永远学不会写书信。

2、Nothing was done in its regular order and several of thenative servants seemed missing,while those whom Marysaw slunk or hurried about with ashy and scared faces. 什么也没按部就班地做,几个本地仆人似乎不见了,而那些玛莉莎的仆人则带着苍白而害怕的脸偷偷溜走。 3、They looked fuller of lace than everthis morning, but her eyes were not laughing at all. 他们看起来比每天早上都显得满满的花边,但是她的眼睛一点也不笑。

4、There was panic on every side, and dying people in allthe bungalows. 到处都是恐慌,所有的平房里都有垂死的人。 5、During the confusion and bewilderment of the second day Maryhid herself in the nursery and was forgotten by everyone. 在第二天的混乱和困惑中,玛丽躲在托儿所里,被大家忘了。

6、Nobody thought of her, nobody wanted her, and strange thingshappened of which she knew nothing. 没有人想到她,没有人想要她,奇怪的事情发生了,她对此一无所知。 扩展资料: 《秘密花园》作品影响 1、《秘密花园》是美国作家弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特的代表作,该书于1911年首次出版并很快畅销于美国和英国。




这三部电影都是当时卖座的儿童电影。 4、20世纪初,《秘密花园》刚刚出版的时候就被改编成音乐剧和话剧。

1991年再次被改编成音乐剧,大获成功。编剧是曾经获得普利策奖的作家玛霞·诺曼(Marsha Norman)。

本剧演出场次高达706场。美国电影的大奖是奥斯卡,戏剧则有托尼奖(Tony Award) 参考资料百度百科-《秘密花园》。

4. 求三五句英语《秘密花园》的介绍

Secret Garden

A girl born in rich family in India was brought back to England by her uncle after the death of her parents. In her uncle’s big house, the girl got to know someone else, including two boys, one of whom was the younger brother of a maid and the other of whom, the child of her uncle, was her cousin. But it seemed that the uncle didn’t love his son and the boy had a bad health. After a period of time, the girl began to play with the two boys and they began to be happy.

Then they found there was a secret garden in the house. No one was admitted to go into that garden. The three children were very curious and found the way to go into the garden where they played happily. At last, the secret that the children played in the secret garden was found by the uncle. At last, the children learned that the uncle closed the garden because his wife was dead in that garden, which made him very sad. Of course, the girl’s cousin became healthy and got the love from his father again.

5. 英语名著书虫中《秘密花园》读书笔记







同时,成人比孩子更容易忽视快乐,甚至漠视快乐。童年是一去不复返的光阴。在儿童时代的那种对快乐的天然领悟和完全接纳的能力,更是珍贵。 文中克兰文老爷在爱妻过世之后,埋了花园的钥匙,想借此阻断对爱妻的思念,但是这却使他沦为悲伤和痛苦的阶下囚。隔断快乐并不能换来宁静,它只能使你郁闷不堪,在孤独和痛苦中死亡,走向永远的黑暗。快乐是人生之本,人如果没有了快乐,就如行尸走肉一般。没有了快乐,也就没有了成功的喜悦;没有了失败的泪水;没有了失去后的珍惜;没有了一切的情感。 花园是在快乐中诞生,在悲剧中尘封,又是在快乐中开启,这是一个多么戏剧性的转变呐!


6. 求小说秘密花园的经典语句

1、So if Mary had not chosen to really want to know how to read books she would never have learned her letters at all.


2、Nothing was done in its regular order and several of thenative servants seemed missing,while those whom Marysaw slunk or hurried about with ashy and scared faces.


3、They looked fuller of lace than everthis morning, but her eyes were not laughing at all.


4、There was panic on every side, and dying people in allthe bungalows.


5、During the confusion and bewilderment of the second day Maryhid herself in the nursery and was forgotten by everyone.


6、Nobody thought of her, nobody wanted her, and strange thingshappened of which she knew nothing.


7. 秘密花园英文简介

A girl born in rich family in India was brought back to England by her uncle after the death of her parents. In her uncle’s big house, the girl got to know someone else, including two boys, one of whom was the younger brother of a maid and the other of whom, the child of her uncle, was her cousin. But it seemed that the uncle didn’t love his son and the boy had a bad health. After a period of time, the girl began to play with the two boys and they began to be happy. Then they found there was a secret garden in the house. No one was admitted to go into that garden. The three children were very curious and found the way to go into the garden where they played happily. At last, the secret that the children played in the secret garden was found by the uncle. At last, the children learned that the uncle closed the garden because his wife was dead in that garden, which made him very sad. Of course, the girl’s cousin became healthy and got the love from his father again. 很久以前读的,大概是这样的,我不记得里面的人物的名字了。


但是,最后,因为经常与表姐他们一起活动,这个小男孩的身体已经变得很好了,他的父亲也感到很高兴。 电影版还挺好看的。